Tuesday, March 9, 2010

$55 SitNGo - 2nd place

I have had a bad run of luck/cards the past two months. So I decided to try a $55 9-man SNG yesterday. I only have played this level of SNG once - years ago and it was 6 max and a disaster.

This time around I did much better. I played TAG and ended up heads up. My opponent had a stack twice as large as mine - and we ended up all in on the flop. I had K10o and the flop was a rainbow 10, 2, 8. Opponent had J8o. He hit is J on the turn and won the tournament.

My goal was just to make it to 3rd place for a nice $90. 2nd paid $135. I could have taken first with a little luck - for a nice $225 prize.

I was happy to win that $135. It made up for some of my losses at the cash tables.

I also was playing a $10+1 27-man SNG at the same time. I made it to the final table and got sucked out on the river for a 7th place finish. ITM was top 5. Doh!

I am going to switch to tournaments for a bit. Cash tables are sucking me dry lately.

With poker stars new VIP levels, making silver VIP is very easy now. I made Silver VIP last month and am half way to silver vip for this month too.

I would love to hit Gold VIP - haven't done that yet.

I'll probably go back to playing $10 SNG. Although I may try to do MTT's instead. SNG's can get boring. 27-man SNG are fun and I have a good record of final tabling.