Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Played more $3.25 Turbo 6-Max STT's

Last night I played a half dozen or so Turb's - STT 6 max $3.25. I did not do so well. I was getting my money in when it was good, but getting out drawn. The luck of some of the players was phenomenal. One particular table was full of very tight aggressive players - which is uncommon at this level. I did not adapt to their tight playing and ended up in an 4-way all-in battle at the $200/400 +$25 ante blind levels. I went out in 4th. doh.

I then tried a heads up match. lost pretty quick. Another player on a lucky streak.

So I figured - okay - one $5.25 heads up match. If I lose, I am done for the night. First hand I got A6o on the button - so I raised it up 3BB. Got called. Flop comes something like 482 rainbow. I bet full pot - get raised - so I go all in. SOB had pocket KK. Amazing. My luck was terrible. I called it a night.

So this morning I woke up around 5 am. Very unusual for me, I normally sleep in until I must get up to get to work. Today though I was fully rested.

I had a cup of joe and fired up a $2.20 heads up match. I lost 4 in a row. I figured until I win one of these heads up matches, no point in wasting time in a Turbo 6 max with my luck. Faster to let the luck build up first.

Finally I won the fifth heads up match.

So I fired up a 6 max turbo $3.25.

2 hours later I lost 2 tournaments and took 1st in 3. Overall, even with all the losing heads up matches and 2 no money 6 max's - I was ahead $10 for the morning. I was even ahead $5 from last nights losses.

I am kicking ass with these $3.25 6 max turbo STT's. Tons of 1st places. This mornings bankroll was a measly $60 - so ending at $70 is a 14.5% increase. That is amazing! Overall my bankroll has doubles almost 3 times in less than a week. Unheard of.

Anyhoo. I will continue playing. The goal is to have a 50 Buy-In bankroll for the level I am playing. I would play the $1.20 6 max STT - but they don't have them in Turbos and I am all into the Turbo right now.

So I have about 21 Buy-In's for my $3.25 level - still acceptable - especially since I am killing this level lately.

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