Friday, September 10, 2010

100th Post!

Today is my 100th blog post....I think that is pretty cool.

Well I am doing great at NL25. Yesterday I 9-Tabled for one hour and won 3+ buy-ins.

Then this morning I woke up early and played another hour and won another 2.5 buy-ins.

So now I have 12,500 hands in NL25 and my BB/100 is 2.99

That is grreeeaaaat!

Additionally, FTP sent me $20 cash - just out of the blue. Not bonus, straight up cash. I have no idea why, but I am not one to complain about getting free $.

Today is Friday and you know what that means!? - It is RakeBack payday! Today I got $15 - my largest RakeBack payday so far. It will only getting bigger.

I also have cleared $80 out of $100 of my current FTP bonus. I have never fully cleared ANY bonus before - so I am quite happy!

My NL25 game seems to be solid. I have logged about 20 hours. I tweaked my game a little about a week or so ago and the results have been great.

Basically I was limping in with pocket pairs (22-99) and Axs flush draws. I changed that to raising from any position. The exception is if someone limps in or raises - then I just normally call. I rarely chase sets - but I will chase if in late position against 1-2 players and they limp raise. I may also chase flopped flush draws very cheap.

I also changed my standard raise from 4bb to 3bb - that saves me money and doesn't seem to effect how the other players play.

I also started stealing blinds from the cutoff and button with any A or K. That has worked out very well. My PokerTracker stats for blind stealing at NL25 was at 14% - which is way too low. It needs to be around 30%. So after about 3000 hands of blind stealing is has crept up to 17%.

Also - because I am raising my pocket pairs and A high flush draws - I end up stealing the pots 50% of the time. All this adds nicely to my bottom line.

Pocket 10's, JJ's, an QQ's I raise and re-raise. I try to CCBet 2/3 of the time. At NL25 I discovered a LOT of players are also set trapping or flush trapping and will fold to a missed flop - but they will raise the turn if it gets checked to them regardless of the fact that they missed.

Since I made those changes my NL25 has drastically improved.

Looking forward to playing 10+ hours of poker this weekend. The next 2-3 sessions will really solidify my confidence in my strategy and eliminate the luck and variance factor. I have already increased my starting BR 40% in only 30 hours. Once my BR hits $1000 (only $225 to go) - I will have double my BR.

I plan to grind out NL25 for 100K hands. I need to know I am beating this level before I start grinding NL50.

My game won't change much until I hit $200NL. Each level requires tweaking - mainly adjusting to players playing more Tight, less bluffing - but more raises and 3 & 4 betting Pre-flop and flop.

Looking forward to it!

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