Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Variance Smacked Me and Tilt Wasn't Far Behind was inevitable. Tilt.

I was running good for a month or so. Past few days I have been having losing sessions. Last night I fired up 9 tables of NL25 and within an hour donated over 4 Buy-Ins. At least 1 of those buy-ins was tilt. Perhaps the other 3 were just variance. But something tells me maybe not.

Variance can hide tilt. The only way to find out for sure is to have review sessions of losing hands.

The real Tilt though was when I decided to go try 4 tables at NL50 right after losing 4 buy-ins at 25NL. I did ok for a while, then I donated $40+. I had A8o and the board was ugly. There was 3 to a flush, two tens, and one Ace. Anyway you looked at it I was beat. So why did I call the River All-In for another $27 - because I was on Tilt - that is why!


But to be honest, I was more disappointed than angry. My tilt is under control mostly. I did not yell, scream, or destroy my mouse or keyboard. I just sort of laughed it off.

I knew I tilted - knew I donked a buy-in.

Such is poker.

So tonight I regroup back to my ABC game and try to recoup my winning strategy. I can make up the past few days losings - roughly 9 buy-ins - in a matter of two weeks.

My bankroll for NL25 still sits at a healthy 33 Buy-ins. Mostly I donked away my winnings for the past few weeks.

Funny how winnings are never as big as tilt sessions or variance.

Funny how over confident we get in our ability to constantly beat the game until variance kicks in. Then we start questioning our abilities.

But I will not be dismayed from my Poker dream. Just a small setback in the middle of the month. Plenty of time to recover.

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