Friday, September 17, 2010

Plan For Taking Shots @ NL50

I have a plan for when I will take shots at NL50.

I currently play at NL25. I am a bit of a NIT on BR management. I need the emotional support of a larger BR for when downswings hit. It just helps me not TILT.

So my comfort zone for grinding any particular limit is 40 BI's (Buy Ins).

I will take a shot at the next limit when I have 50 BI's at the current limit - which is 25 BI's for the next limit.

If I lose 5 BI's taking a shot, then I move back down and rinse and repeat.

SO for NL50 - I need 50 buy-ins @ NL25. Currently I have 38.

Now if I get to 30 BI's at the new limit - I keep playing unless I drop to 20 BI's - then I move down - rinse and repeat.

I think this is a very comfortable BR management for taking shots for me. I won't tilt knowing I can move down with 40 BI's at the lower limit level.

I want to be taking shots until I can grind the higher limit - at least until NL200.

When taking shots - I may start with 4-6 tables. Believe it or not, I prefer to play at least 4 tables because it helps with variance and tilt. If all I had was 2 tables - I would see less good hands and might play differently. But at 4-6 tables - you see a good variety of hands and are getting action on at least one or two tables at all times.

So that is the plan.

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