Friday, September 17, 2010

Bankroll is back on track after Variance/Tilt Smackdown

I lost 13 buy-ins in one day due to my variance and tilt.

I've won back 7 of those buy-ins in the past couple days.

I have definitely been seeing a lot more coolers lately. That is where I have the best hand and get all the money it only to see the villian outdraw me. Happened literally 3 times this morning in under 20 minutes. I laughed. No tilt. I think that is drastic improvement. I ended that 20 minutes session ahead .61 buy-ins nonetheless.

I am only $122 away from being back where I started when Tilt/Variance kicked in.

My Bankroll sits at $700 today. I was at $822 when Tilt/Variance smacked me down. If I have a decent weekend (Friday/Saturday/Sunday) - I can make that $122 and be a happy camper come Monday.

My PT3 stacks are still looking good. Obviously my BB/100 went waaaay down for NL25 after the 13 BI downswing. But the other stats are good. I increased my Blind Steals % to 22%. My goal is 30+.

My BB/100 at NL25 is about 0.95BB/100. For all limits it is 1.5BB/100.

I look forward to the day when I can lose 10 buy-ins and not have my BB/100 go down below 3BB/100. Currently I have about 22K hands logged. So by the time that hits 100K - 10 buy-ins downswing shouldn't effect my BB/100 much.

That is the goal - 100K hands.

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