Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Going To Grind $10 +1 Sit-N-Goes

I discovered yesterday that I could make Silver or Gold VIP on Poker Stars by grinding out tournaments. You earn 5 VPP points for every $1 in rake. So if I play $10 + 1 SitNGo's that is 5 VPP per tournament. I can 4-6 table these sitngo's. If I play 10 tournaments a day, 5 days a week, I will earn Silver VIP.

To earn Gold VIP I would either need to play 30 $10 + 1 tournaments a day or move up to $20 + 2 SitNGo's.

Bascially here is the break down:

$10 + 1 Tournaments

Silver = 240 tournaments a month or 60 per week
Gold = 600 tournaments a month or 150 per week

$20 + 2 Tournaments

Silver = 120 tournaments a month or 30 per week
Gold = 300 tournaments a month or 75 per week

So at my current bankroll I could earn 36 VPP per hour 6 tabling $50NL cash tables or earn 20VPP per hour 4 tabling $10 + 1 SitNGo tournaments.

Bankroll requirements for tournaments is at least 50 Buy-Ins. I have a $600 bankroll so that puts me squarely at $10 + 1 tournaments.

Bankroll requirements for cash tables is at least 25 buy-ins. That puts me at $25NL.

Having said that, I know I am a good enough player to 6 table $50NL and buy-in at $35 instead of $50. I can also 4 table $20+2 tournaments.

The only problem with playing slightly above my bankroll is if I go on a bad run of luck.

A winning tournament player should place ITM 40% of the time.

So here is the plan. I will 4-table $10 + 1 SitNGo's. I will see how I am doing after 10 of them. If I am at least break even, I will do another ten. After twenty I if I place ITM in at least 8 of the 20 I will know I can successfully grind tournaments.

Once my bankroll reaches $700 I will test the waters with $20 + 2 SitNGo's.

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