Wednesday, July 8, 2009

$6.50 Turbo Heads Up SitNGo

Yesterday was a pretty uneventful poker night. My wife's sister was in town and we ended up in National City for some Filipino food.

By the time I got back home, it was almost bedtime. A trip to National City is never just about one stop. There are many places to buy Filipino snacks and what not, so it is usually a multiple hour trip.

This cold still has me bewildered.

Before I called it a night, I decided, "I must play some poker!" So I decided on a $6.50 Turbo heads up match. My opponent was out skilled and I dispatched him in about 10 minutes.

It is not much, but it is a win for the night.

The plan tonight is to play some turbo sitngo's. That has been the plan for the past 3 nights - to no avail. So, we'll see where it goes tonight.

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