Monday, July 13, 2009

What's Next?

So after a terrible weekend and such a big blow to my bankroll, I have to ask myself, "So Jay, What is next?"

Well I cannot say right now. Let me clarify that I am not on a bad run of cards. I am still getting the good cards (along with the not so good). My problem is I started playing bad bad bad. Too much bluffing, too much impatience.

So I need to step back and remember that TAG is what it is all about. I have been playing like a fish.

I think the plan now is to grind $25 NL (4-6 tables) and play the step tournaments until I earn a step 4 ticket.

For grinding $25NL I am going to avoid blind stealing - not completely of course. I will limit my blind stealing to the hijack and button and maybe the blinds depending on the circumstances.

Preflop it is open bet, raise, re-raise or fold. Continuation bet the flop most of the time. Outside of a CB on the flop, I will only play the turn and river with trips or better. Basically two pair and below gets me in too much trouble on later streets.

Starting this weekend I start packing. We are moving to another apartment on August 7th and I need to start getting organized. Obviously this will effect the time I can log playing poker. Considering my bad play and recent tilt lately, perhaps that is a godsend.

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