Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Day 1 of the Step Tournament Grind

Yesterday was day 1 on my new poker goals of grinding the Step Tournaments.

If you read the previous post, I am grinding $5.50 & $11 SitNGo's and using the profits to pay for a total of 180 Step 1 Tournaments.

Yesterday I played 8 $5.50 SNG's. Two sets of 4.

The first set I lost three and got third place in one. That was a bad set.

I was a little taken back with the level of aggression at this buy-in level. These guys are very aggressive. I was also surprised that we hit the $100/$200 level and still have 5-6 players left.

Several times I called someone's stupid all in bet and lost. The pattern is if there was heavy betting preflop and they hit top pair good or best kicker - they went all in. Or they hit the nuts and over bet by going all-in to confuse you.

Either way - I was calling these dumb bets and losing with second best pair.

I had to adjust a little to that.

All I can figure is these $5.50 buy-in SNG's must be profitable for grinders and so good players are playing? But what is more confusing is I only noticed 1 player in only 1 of the two sets that was at more than one table.

So apparently - non of the players were multi-tabling!

The good news is I can win against aggressive players - I just need to adjust my calling ranges.

Any ways - the second set of four I won 3 out of 4. Two first places and one second.

Overall I made a $20 profit from all 8 tournaments - or about 45% ROI. Not too bad!

I look forward to playing some more at this $5.50 buy in level.

My bankroll started last night at $268 and ended at $288.

In order to move back up to the $11 buy-in I need my bankroll to get up to around $385.

So another $100 and I can start playing that level again.

The question is do I wait for the $11 level or do I start playing the Step 1 tournaments.

Time will tell.

I'll see how I do at the $5.50 level. It may take no time at all.

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