Monday, September 14, 2009

I have played 140 Tournaments So Far

I logged 140 tournaments in my Sit N Go grind so far. These are all $11 STT. It has been a ride. At 100 tournaments my ROI was about 24%. At 140 it is now at 8%. Quite a difference.
I have just been losing a lot more. My overall ITM is 37%, but if I looked at the last 40 tournaments I imagine it would be more like 20%.

This is what they call variance.

I remember distinctly having 6 tables opened and my bankroll was at $377. I really thought I was going to probably have a losing session. Then somehow I won 3 of those 6. One of those 3 was actually a $22 STT. I did not log that in my tournament sheet because I am strictly tracking my ROI for $11 STT, but that $90 first place really helped the bankroll.

Now the bankroll sits at $522. Yesterday it sat at $555 but then I had a losing session.

Out of these 140 tournaments my bankroll highs and lows were $250 / $602.

I want to break the $700 barrier. In order for that to happen I just need a couple good sessions.

Looks like I will hit 200 tournaments by the end of the week. I am not sure how many of these I will play before moving to the $22's. For certain I want to have 50 buy-ins at the $22's which equals $1100.

While my ROI is not what I want it to be and my ITM has slipped to 37%, I must say that at least after 140 tournaments I am still ahead. That still speaks volumes.

I certainly am not crushing the $11 STT SitNGo's. I am dangerously close to breaking even. I cannot leave the $11 level until I know I am beating it. I need to be ITM 40% and average profit of $2.25 per tournament. Of course some will say that is unlikely. It would require a 20% ROI. But I'll keep playing until I at least get a 15% ROI. Heck if I get to 500 tournaments with a 12% ROI I think I will accept that as my correct average.

Some good news I discovered is I can make Gold VIP at Poker Stars by 9 tabling 10 hours a week. Which I think breaks down to about 90 tournaments a week.

Once I move to the $22 I can 9 table 10 hours a week and make platinum VIP.

At the Gold VIP that is around 5640 FPP's a month and at Platinum it is 13500 FPP's. Not sure what I will do with those FPP's, but I do think I will save them up for a while. Of course I want to parlay them into satellite tournaments to the Sunday Million.

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