Monday, November 9, 2009

I Already Made Silver VIP At Pokerstars!

Last night I made about 180+ VPP points and made Silver VIP. I am silver VIP through December 31st, 2009.

I need another 1750 or so VPP's to make Gold. The way things are going, I should make Gold this month.

$50NL has been frustrating lately. I am either breaking even or losing 1-2 buyins each session. Last night I played about 3 hours - 4 tabling. I must have been involved in at least 10-12 ALL IN hands. Half I won, half I lost. Well - perhaps more lost than won because I ended the night down 1.5 buy-ins or -$50.

No worries though. My stats are great - winning more than 60% of showdowns. Only going to showdown around 25-30%. Playing nitty rock.

I am blind stealing successfully around 25-30% of the time.

Sometimes that is how it goes.

$50NL definitely has more ALL IN hands than $25NL.

But at least I am winning almost as many as I am losing.

When I can win around 75% of my ALL IN hands - then I will conquer $50NL.

There is a leak some where's in my game.

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