Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Pocket Rockets Wins $110+ Pot

Everyone loves getting pocket rockets - especially on the button. But in reality they only win, on average, 17% of the time.

Did you know that?

So in celebration of one of those 17% of the times - here is a great one.

By the way - Villian had a Kc 10h - got to love PokerTracker showing mucked hands : 0-)

So Villian caught the nuts on the flop with a made straight. I turned my pocket rockets into trips on the flop. Villian would have had my lunch had the turn not paired the flop Queen giving me a full house.

When the third diamond fell on the river and I over bet all-in - I am guessing villian thought I was bluffing a flush draw - I am sure he was disappointed when I turned over the BIGger nut full house.

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