Monday, November 30, 2009

Poker Grind Update

Well I had an interesting poker weekend. On Wednesday night I continued my winning streak by earning another $50. However, I played another session at midnight and lost about $100. Sigh.

I am up for the month of November about $6. LOL.

Today is the last day of November and if I get to play tonight - it will be interesting to see if I end the month in the positive or negative. You got to play to win and I am not going to skip tonight just so I can finish the month in the positive.

But I still may not get time to play tonight. We will see how it goes.

I am not worried about the $100 lost - it is about 3 buy-ins at my current level. ($35 Buy-Ins). That equals about two days profit. For $50NL my profit was at almost $400 and now it is back at around $300. Still just happy to be in the positive.

I have a long ways to go at $50NL. I need to get to a point where losing 3 buy-ins doesn't drastically change much. Losing $100 right now equals more than 10% of my bankroll. But more importantly because I only have about 10K hands at $50NL, it drastically changed my $50NL BB/100 hands statistic. It was at 3.5 and now is at 1.6. That is a huge difference!

In other news - I have almost 5000 FPP's. I earned about 1700 VPP's in the month of November. I did not play enough to make Gold - but I could have. I only played about 12 sessions this month.

But I have secured Silver VIP at Poker Stars until the end of December.

My goal for December is to make Gold VIP and to have a BB/100 at $50NL above 3. That is it. No monetary goals. The most important thing to me right now is that I am winning 3BB/100 hands consistently at $50NL.

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