Thursday, November 5, 2009

Roller Coaster Night

I am testing some new strategies. This resulted in a roller coaster of a night.

I learned some new ways to customize my Poker Tracker. That is the good news.

But I was also trying to practice my 3 betting blind raisers. Did not go too well as I lost a buy in. I had Q10s in the big blind and the villian in the cutoff had pocket JJ - I caught nada and Villian caught a flush.

I should have noticed Villian was a 33/6/67 LAG player - and not someone you probably want to 3 bet light.

4bet shoving after his preflop call and raise on the flop also probably was not a good idea.

Hey - this is called paying for experience!

I continued my blind stealing and that went pretty successful.

So the good news is one of my last hands I won a big pot that totally made up for the earlier losses.

I ended the night $1 ahead - woohoo!

See the roller coaster chart below:

(You can click on chart to see a bigger image)

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