Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Status of my Grind

Well I started November off in the red as I lost about $200 or so at $100NL. However, I have played only $50NL after that and I have been very solid. For November so far I have average 2.7 BB/100 hands over almost 10,000 hands. That is really great!

My dollar per hour is only around $11 but that is due to not playing a lot of tables at a time. I mostly average 4 tables at a time lately - about half the time I do 6 tables.

I made over $300 in $50NL this month so far.

Yesterday I tipped into the black. I will post the chart in December, but the entire month was trying to make up for that really bad run at $100NL. My monthly profit chart for November looks like a big smiley face. LOL.

Yesterday I sat down at four tables and within 10 minutes made $50. I have had 3-4 profitable sessions in a row and decided to just quit while I was ahead and log another winning session. Really I was hot and should have continued playing. I won 4 major hands in those ten minutes. My big pot was defending AQo in the big blind with a blind stealer. Villain 3 bet me to $1.5 and I raised it to $5. He called. The flop came a beautiful Q. I raised it, he called. The turn came a beautiful A. LOL. I raised it, he re-raised all-in - I called. The board has two Spades and he was chasing a flush draw with Jack Ten or something. LOL. Thanks for the donation. I won $30 in that hand - it was my first winning hand of the night too.

The other winning hands were me calling from the big blind with 69o and pairing both on the board. I re-raised it on the flop and got a caller. I put a 3/4 pot bet on the turn and he folded. Another hand I caught Top pair good kicker and played it aggressively.

Many times at $50NL my single session variance is 3 buy-ins. So it is entirely possible I could lose that $50 and continue to lose another buy-in or two and then perhaps catch up with a slight session profit for the night after a couple hours. I just did not feel like riding the roller coaster and decided to leave with a nice 1.5 buy-in winning session.

I do wonder though if I continued playing if I would have continued with my hot streak and perhaps won 5 buy-ins. I guess you have to play to find out huh.

Well today is the day before Thanksgiving and I am off for the next 4 days. The holidays brings a lot of fish and sharks. I plan to log in some hours over the next 4 days and see if I am a shark or a fish. LOL.

My bankroll is around $925 - an all time high for this current grind. This grind is now aging about 4 months or so.

I have about 17 days left on my poker tracker 3 free trial. I will need to upgrade it for $90 soon.

If I continue to increase my bankroll past $1200, I plan to withdraw $100. The idea is I have NEVER withdrawn money from Poker Stars - not one time in the 5+ years I have been playing there. wow. Kind of crazy when you think about it.

I figure there is some paperwork involved in withdrawing money and it is better to get that out of the way. In the coming months I will be moving up to $100NL - God save my soul - and will start withdrawing money on a weekly basis.

$100NL is scary with my bankroll. $50NL has had big fluctuations - about $30 up or down or roughly 1 buy-in variance. At $100NL that would be $100 up or down each session. But on a bad day I could fluctuate 3-5 buy-ins. I buy in for 70 Big Blinds or $70 at $100NL.

So I plan to ease my way into $100NL. I want $500 above my standard $50NL bankroll to give $100NL a chance. I am willing to lose that $500 before moving back down to $50NL. I figure that is 7 buy-ins at $100NL. If I lose 7 buy-ins then I am the fish getting eaten by the sharks and need more work.

But 7 buy-ins gives me some wiggle room for what I think is going to be a 2 buy-in normal variance. $100NL players are a little aggressive pre-flop and flop. This increases my variance even though I play TAG. I figure the quality of players is about the same as $50NL - just a little big more aggressive.

Anyways - I have had some 1-2 buy-in winning sessions at $100NL - but they have been plagued by some 3-5 buy-in losing sessions. Overall I seem to break even or be losing at $100NL. But - I only have played sporadically.

When I put $500 into the $100NL move up - I should be able to determine if I have the skill set to make the move to $100NL permanent like I am at $50NL.

My big goal is to grind $200NL. Eventually, maybe next year, I want to grind $400NL.

I would like to be able to play 4 tables at a time at $400NL. If successful at 2Big Bets per 100 hands, assuming 50 hands per hour per table - I could make 32 per hour 4-Tabling $400NL. That is respectable! If I play 5 hours per day, 5 days per week - that is $160 per day and $800 per week or $3200 per month. That is closing the distance to what I make at my current job.

So anyways - those are the goals.

I also plan to continue playing tournaments - mostly as a side thing. Cash games is where the money is. But large field MTT tournaments is where the BIG money is and where the recognition is. If I get good enough to win a big tournament - I will get to travel the world playing poker and meet the big players. One day I may be on TV at some big poker game.

Hey - this stuff is not even far fetched. Really it is just a matter of time. My poker dreams have a good chance of turning into reality.

Well anyway - that is what this poker blog is all for. One day I will re-read this and see how far I have come.

Cheers Everyone! Happy Thanksgiving!

Hopefully I will have a great Thanksgiving poker weekend!

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