Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Poker Tracker October Results Chart

My first full month of using PokerTracker. I want to make this a monthly post.

Below is a graph of how the month went.

**You can click on any image to see it full screen**

Left is dollars won or lost and bottom is how many hands. It starts at zero and graphs how well I did over the thousands of hands through the month.


November started out very rough when I lost $280 at $100NL. In one night - about 3 hours - I lost 6-7 buyins. I recovered all but 4 buy ins. But that is a lot of dough at $100NL.

**My buy-in is not the standard 100BB (Big Blinds). I buy in for 68-70 Big Blinds.**

I was not happy!

See the graph below:

**You can click on any image to see it full screen**

Left is dollars won or lost and bottom is how many hands. It starts at zero and graphs how well I did over the thousands of hands through the month.

November 2009

So I have played a lot of poker in the first 4 days of November. Currently I am in the negative $113.55 for November. I have plenty of time to make that up and turn it to a profit before the end of the month.

I made a profit of $92.65 in the month of October.

I am learning a lot. I am fine tuning my playing style and strategy. I think my core strategy is very good. I am winning over 50% of the hands I go to show down with. My stats are very nitty rock - which is what I am aiming for.

I think I am losing the most money on big pots I lose. I should be making a lot more money per hour since I am 6 tabling.

We'll see how the numbers average out at 100,000 hands though.

Today I made about $90 - which is a start on bouncing back from that $280 loss. Last night I made about $12.

Overall though, I am only down $20.90 over 13,868 hands.

Below shows how I am doing overall. This is a wealth of information. Mainly it shows how much money I am making or losing.

Below is another stat. It tells you how tight I am playing and defines me as a player.

The two things I want to work on the most right now is stealing the blinds more and lowering my fold to 3 bet percentage.

I am folding to a 3bet almost 90% of the time. That is bad. Many good players pay attention to this percentage and can make money off me by 3betting me light because they know 90% of the time I will fold. Not good.

There have been some hands I really felt I had the best hand...but they 3bet my raise on the turn and I folded. Those scenarios make me wonder if they were just make money off my 3bet percentage.

I know how to steal blinds and I have already started incorporating this into my strategy. Basic rule is you should be stealing the blinds at least 30% of the time or you are leaving money on the table.

So my blind stealing strategy is simple. If I am two positions or less to the blinds, usually position the hijack or the button position - I will attempt to steal the blinds with the following:

Any Ax
Any Kx
Any two broadway (10,J,Q,K,A)
Any pocket pair

1. Stealing is only if you are opening the pot. If someone already open raised - that is not a pot stealing opportunity. If there is one limper - it is up to my discretion - sometimes I will steal the pot and add a big blind to the steal for the limper.

2. If I am re-raised when stealing - I will fold unless I have a real hand.

3. If I get called in my blind steal - and there is only one caller - I will bet the flop regardless. If I get raised on the flop - and I did not catch anything - I fold.
If I get called on the flop - the turn is basically check fold.

4. Big rule is you do not continuation bet (CB) a flop with more than one opponent - unless you catch something of course. Even then - beware of trip setters.

Anyways - blind stealing has been very successful so far.

I have not developed a strategy for lowering my fold to 3bet percentage yet.

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