Tuesday, October 20, 2009

$25NL Grind Status Update

Well I was crushing this limit and then the brakes hit. I had one negative session where I lost $11 and one where I lost $50.

Now consider that I am 12 tabling. So the $11 lost is less than a buy in and the $50 is about 3 buy ins. I am buying in for 70% of maximum - $17.

So all in all - those are no big deal losses. 75% of the time I just broke even.

So my bankroll is at $555. My stats are still great. I brought my A game the entire time.

I am winning about 2BB/100 hands or about $1 per 100 hands. I was at 5BB/100.

I have played about 10000 hands so far.

Overall - things are going very well. One day losing 3 buyins is not big deal when I was winning 3 buyins for 3-4 days.

I am 60 VPP's away from making Silver VPP on Poker Stars.

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