Monday, October 26, 2009

The Weekend

Well I played a few hours over the weekend.
Multi-Tabling $50NL seems to only resulted in breaking even. Well according to poker tracker I am about $75 ahead - but it just feels break even. I think I am earning about $6 per hour.

I am beating $50NL - but just barely. There is higher variance, even with my nitty 8.2/6.2/2 stats. There is a lot more all-ins at $50NL. Those either push me out of the hand or cost me duckets. Of course I've made a lot of money calling those all-ins too. My previous post was a good example - where I made $52 in one hand when I made my pocket ten trips on the flop and opponent caught a third jack on the turn - but the pocket Jacks were on the table making my full house.

I notice when I play just one table at $50NL I can totally catch on to players patterns. I know who the fish are and I know who the sharks are. I have noticed there are only usually 1-2 fish and the rest are nitty sharks - like myself. Usually there is at least 1-2 TAGs with stats of 25/20/2 and those players seem to be the ones with triple buy-ins stacks.

Perhaps a looser starting hand strategy enables them to take advantage of more post flop play. I just know that going looser than 8-10% of starting hands increases my variance - which I am not ready to do just yet.

I have about 3000 hands logged at $50NL and the stats look good - very similar to $25NL.

I did take a test drive in $100NL yesterday - just one table. Within 5 minutes I won about $35. I should have left the table - but I wanted to continue playing. I ended up losing the $35 and about $25 more. LOL.

But really there was nothing at $100NL that went terribly wrong. I played my normal A game, but on the turn and river when I didn't catch or didn't have what I thought the best hand would be, I had to fold to aggression.

$100NL sharks are more aggressive.

The trend seems to be the higher the limit, the more confident the players, and the more aggression. This just means you need to either tighten your game and outplay them post flop or be very good at putting players on ranges and beating them with a stick when you know you have there range covered.

My bankroll spiked to $635 for a little bit last night after $100NL - then went back to $600.

I then played 3 Heads Up matches - $6.60's. I lost the first, won the second, and won the third. I played the same guy each time. I was the better player.

The plan was I wanted to win the $6 so I could use my winning to play a $6 tournament.

I then played a 6 Max $6.60 SNG where I placed 2nd and won $6. That was a fun tournament. I should post it here. I got some really good run of cards. I think in a 10 hand spread I got 6 trips on the flop. Amazing.

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