Friday, October 9, 2009

9 Tabled Full Ring $10NL for 3 1/2 Hours

Well I have noticed lately a lot of short stacker's at the tables - all limits. These are players with less than 20 BB. Last night I decided to test the short stack theory - again.

What I noticed from watching these short stacker's the past few days or so is they push pre-flop with any two pair, decent Broadway, and suited connectors.

I did not fine tune my strategy last night, but was sort of developing it as I went. After 1500+ hands I know I need to figure out an ideal Pre-Flop All In range.

Basically I went all in around 120 times - winning 47% of the time. That is not good enough to win.

I also won about 200 hands without going to showdown.

Overall I lost about $8. Assuming my normal play would normally result in a winning session of + $12 you could then say I lost $20.

But let's stick with the losing of $8. That equals 4 buy-ins of $2.

So basically with my push range last night, which wasn't exactly consistent, I was at best break even.

Considering rakeback or FPP points - break even can be profitable.

I think had I tightened up my push ranges and considered positions more, I could have broken even or made a profit.

The goal is to win at least 3 Big Bets per hour per table on average.

The trick is to push enough that people call you with a loose range of cards. I cannot push with just premium hands (AA-JJ, AK, KQ) because people would figure that out and all I would get would be the blinds or beaten by a better pair.

Yet I need to keep my pushing range good enough to win over 50% of showdowns.

This is a difficult formula.

Last night I played 11% of starting hands. That turned out to be too loose. Or perhaps I need to pay more attention to what position I am pushing and what cards in that position. I also need to pay attention to other people's open bet ranges.

In my strategy there is no betting on the flop - or rarely. I am getting it all in on the pre-flop.

The theory is if I can establish a very simple push fold pre-flop strategy, then I can multi-table like a mad man. 20+ tables is not impossible.

I will be involved in about half the number of hands I would if I were playing my normal game - but the rake will be maxed out each time. I should make more FPP's with this strategy and if I were getting rakeback, I would earn more rakeback.

The big trick is winning over 50% of showdowns.

I also established another rule - once I have 50% profits at a table - I leave the table. In other words If my buy-in was $2 and I get to $3 - I leave the table.

This helps a lot since it gives me another way to come out in the positive besides winning over 50% of showdowns. Ideally I can win uncontested pots and leave enough tables with 50% profits that will overcome a less than 50% showdown result.

This is definitely a work in progress.

As soon as I strictly define my push ranges and see positive results over maybe 5000 hands or so - I will move up to the next level - $25NL

Off the top of my head I am thinking of the following push ranges:

Early Position

AA-1010, AK, AQ, KQ

Middle Position

77-99, A8 suited+, A10 off-suited+

Late Position

Suited: 910, J10, QJ, K10, KJ

The basic rules are

1. Open push with these cards in those positions. Roll ever Limpers .
In order to push over the top of another player - they need to be in my position or later. Otherwise I need to have cards in their position.

Example A - An early position player puts in 3 bets. I am in middle position. To push over the top I need cards in my Early Position range.

Example B - A middle position player opens with 3 bets. I am also in middle position with pushing cards - I can push all in here.

2. Pushing over open raises is ok. Pushing after someone else re-raises or they have pushed - not so OK. You need premium cards in there position range to push or call. Use best judgment without AA or KK.

I'll test this new strategy tonight at the 10NL tables.

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