Thursday, October 15, 2009

I've Been Grinding $25NL

I have found a home in $25NL. I've been grinding it for about 5 days now.

I started by playing 6 tables at a time and now I am up to 12 tables at a time.

Basically I am crushing it so far at 5BB/100 hands. That is 5 Big Bets per 100 hands. A big bet is two times the big blind. So for $25 NL, the blinds are $0.10/$0.25. The big blind being $0.25. So the big bet is $0.50.

I am making 5 X $0.50 per 100 hands. I am playing Full Ring and Fast tables. Fast tables basically give you less time to think and there is no checkbox option for Auto-Post blinds - meaning if you are not sitting out, you automatically post the blinds.

Fast tables average 80-120 hands per hour. I have seen 150 hands per hour too.

So figure 100 hands per hour as an average.

That means I am earning $2.50 per table per hour. $2.50 X 12 = $30 per hour


Now I have only put it around 5200 hands. We'll see what my BB/100 Hands is at around 50,000 hands.

5 BB/100 Hands is definitely sustainable. It would mean I am crushing $25NL, but hey - I might be doing just that.

Another great thing is 12 tabling $25 NL is earning me 100 VPP's at Poker Stars per hour. Playing 10 hours per week puts me at around 4000 - which is solid Gold VIP level.

I finally installed Poker Tracker 3 on my laptop. It has been tracking all of my $25NL cash games. The numbers are impressive.

Unfortunately, I don't have the $ right now to upgrade the free trial - so I cannot publish graphs yet. As soon as I can, I will purchase the full version.

But basically my VP$IP/PFR/AF (Voluntary Puts $ In Pot%/ Pre Flop Raise%/Aggression Factor%) is 8.8/6.8/1.5
Those are very nitty rock numbers - which is exactly what I want. Those are great numbers IMHO.

Statistically I am winning about 47% of showdowns. Although at the end of every session of 12 tabling I check my stats on the table at poker stars and usually I am winning 70% of showdowns.

A good player wins at least 50% of showdowns.

So after 5000 hands - great numbers in poker tracker.

I have played 5 sessions of about an hour each. Yesterday was my first losing session - I lost $11.

The other 4 sessions I was winning about $30 per hour.

I look forward to posting more results in the coming days!

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