Thursday, October 22, 2009

9 Tabled $50NL Last Night

So I 9 tabled $50 NL last night. What a ride! I either went all in or called all in at least 6 times in the two hours I played. It was crazy. There is more pushing, it seems, at $50NL.
My first hour I made $25. My second hour I lost $75. Ouch! I decided to play again and in less than 5 minutes I made $68. I then quickly called it a night with a total profit of $13.

My stats were very good over the 800 hands at $50NL. I still played roughly 9% of hands and won about 8% of them. My total aggression was 2.4. My VP$IP/PFR was 8.2/6.9. I went to showdown about 35% of the time when I played past the flop. I won about 55% of my showdowns.

Etc Etc Etc.

Basically I did just fine - people were just either outplaying me or I was outplaying them - and either way were ready to gamble.

If this sort of style of play continues I will make a lot of money at $50NL. I can adjust my ranges to opponents and not call All-IN's with Pocket AA against a KQ board. I did that last night and lost a Buy-In. But if people are willing to stack off on the flop with middle pair good kicker to two pair - when I have pocket KK or trips - I can make some money.

Usually people fold to my action - but half the time at $50NL they played into me.

My very first hand at my first $50NL table - I got pocket JJ - bet $2 - got one caller. Flop came a J 7 9 (or something) - I raised - 3/4 pot - opponent pushed - I called - Opponent had Q9o. LOL. That was a nice way to start $50NL.

I will continue playing $50NL.

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