Monday, October 12, 2009

My Poker Weekend

This was a good weekend for poker.

I tested the new short stack strategy - in a couple ways - both ended in failure. I did play the two short stack strategies for well over 3000 hands.

One strategy was any two pairs and any Broadway from any position - all in pre-flop.

The other was any two pairs from any position - all in pre-flop.

The pairs and Broadway - I 6 tabled for two hours and won 48% of my showdowns. I ended up losing 4 buy-ins. If I had rakeback I may have either broke even or made a small profit.

The strategy of any two pairs was a total failure. I won 46% of my showdowns and lost 8 buy-ins.

So neither seemed to be profitable.

I will note that I earned a lot of FPP's and VPP's points with both strategies. The any two pairs was very easy to multi-table and I was playing up to 15 tables for a couple hours on that one.

15 tables was very intense!


After this short stack strategy - and losing a total of about $50 - I switched to my normal A game and hit the $25 NL. The goal was to play 6 tables at a time and try to earn 3 Big Bets (3BB) per hour per table.

I played for an hour and earned 6BB per hour per table. I literally was crushing the game and destroying the ranges of the other players.

I played another hour and repeated the same crushing game.


I decided to play 9 tables. I played for two hours and once again just crushed the game.

All in all I earned $75 over 4 hours of $25 NL - playing 2 hours of 6 tabling and 2 hours of 9 tabling.

I played the following 20 Hands pre-flop:


1010 - AA
AKs, AKo
AQs, AJs

MP - The Above Plus:

AQo, AJo

LP - The Above Plus:

A10s, A9s
KQo, K10s

My stats for all 4 hours of playing was:

Won At Showdown - 70% (WOW)
Played 9% of the time

Soooo....pretty amazing. I plan to continue playing 6 to 9 tables at $25NL Full Ring to see if this is a fluke or if I finally found the right strategy to win consistently - at least at $25NL.

I earned 6 Big Bets per hour per table for all four hours. That is twice what I was shooting for.

I played Fast Tables - which were averaging 80-100 hands per hour per table. So I played around 3000 hands.

So basically I was making $18 per hour at 6 tables and $27 per hour at 9 tables. Not bad at all for $25 NL.

So - I am over 1/2 way to Silver VIP on Pokerstars and still have 19 more days in the month to go.

I should make Silver VIP this month. If I get really lucky and can move up to $50NL I may even make Gold VIP. WooHoo!

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