Thursday, October 1, 2009

Played $100NL Last Night - 5 Tabled

I took a look at my VPP status last night on Poker Stars. It was the last day of the month and I was short 286 VPP's for Silver VPP status. I had earned 1000 VPP's so far.

I thought to myself - maybe I could try to earn those points today. Last time I earned Silver VPP I was in the same circumstance - about 280 points short. Except last time I had 3 days to do it.

I did some math and figured if I 5 tabled $100NL Full Ring - I should be able to earn around 70 VPP's an hour. So I could play 4 hours and try to just break even.

So I did.

Well I started to at least.

After an hour I was up $100 and decided I would rather keep the $100 than risk losing it and making Silver VPP.


See what variance does to ya!

Plus I did not really want to sit with my entire bankroll for another 3 hours. Sorry - but my risk was too great there just to make silver VPP.

But I played VERY TAG. I only played 8% of hands - basically AA-JJ and AK. If there were 2-3 limpers and I was in late position with As I would limp in too and try to catch a flush.

I won 2-3 very big pots with pocket AA and pocket KK. I won a good pot when I caught my flush on the turn. I also lost 1-2 small-medium pots when I chased with A10.

Overall it seemed a great strategy to wait for premium hands and play aggressively.

So my bankroll now sits at a nice $500.

I may try playing $10NL Full Ring cash games tonight - 6 tabling. Same strategy - only play premium hands. Limp in with As in late position with 2 + limpers in front of me. The discipline is to be careful with dangerous flops and resistance. So if I have pocket KK and an A comes on the flop - I will CB 1/2- full pot and if I meet resistance I have to fold. If that CB gets called - I will fire a second barrel on the turn. If that gets called - I will check the River and fold to a bet. At any point I get raised - I will fold.

I also have to be careful with trip setters. Top or Over pair is still just a one pair strength hand. Premium pocket pairs can be beat with the average winning hand in poker - 2 pairs. Trip setters love playing against premium pockets. And of course dangerous boards such as two suited boards or any two broadway or straight potentials - I have to tread very carefully.

But I definitely was playing scared at $100NL. I won't be nearly as scared at $10NL. I will have 50 Buy-Ins compared with 5 Buy-Ins. LOL - big difference.

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