Thursday, October 22, 2009

New Ring Game Bankroll Strategy

So after almost 9000 hands I decided I can lower my bankroll needs to 15 Buy-Ins from 35. I may adjust this at $100NL depending on how variance goes with the higher aggression factor.

My standard is 9-Tables. So that is 9 Buy-Ins. I require 5-6 Buy-Ins additionally to cover normal session variance. I use the auto refill at Poker Stars so if my buy-In is $35, as soon as it slips below $35 - it refills it to $35 next hand.

So I need money in my account to cover that too.

Now - once my bankroll increase to 18 Buy-Ins I can choose to play up to 12 tables.

Keep in mind I do not buy-in for the full 100 Big Blinds. I buy-in for 68-70.

So this makes the following requirements for Bankroll for these limits:

$25NL = $17 X 15 = $255
$50NL = $35 X 15 = $525
$100NL = $70 X 15= $1050

As soon as I reach the minimum buy in for a level - I can move up. I move down if I lose around 5-7 buy-ins.

So my bankroll yesterday stood at $575. So I was able to play $50NL. I ended the day at $583.

This is an aggressive bankroll approach. But if successful then I will be playing $100NL after 20 logged hours - or 2-3 weeks @ 10 hours a week.

Of course you can break even or even lose through 20000 hands - so it could take longer.

My goals is to make 3BigBets/100 hands. At $50NL that is $3/100 hands. 9 Tabling that equals $27 per hour.

At $100NL I would be making $54 per hour.

It seems the difference between $25NL and $50NL is confidence and aggression. I imagine at $100NL it will be the same. All I have to do is tighten up a bit as I go up in levels. I also have to be patient and see who is playing Nitty aggressively and who is playing LAG.

I need to figure out if I can get Poker Tracker 3 to display on the smallest size tables on Poker Stars correctly.

I could really use those HUD stats! Unfortunately with 9 tables all the smallest size - the HUD covers my hole cards and other players. There must be a way.

I will research this today.

At $50NL, 9 tabling 40 hours a month - I can make Gold VIP at Poker Stars.

Once I hit $100NL I will consistently hit Platinum.

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