Monday, June 29, 2009

Another No Poker Weekend

I had every intention to play a lot of poker this weekend. I have 850 of 1200 points towards making my Silver VIP at poker stars. I can get the last 350 VPP points in about 10 hours. Now, I am doubting I will make it since there is only today and tomorrow left. I might give it a try though. I reset back to zero on Wednesday. If I can make it to Silver, I will accumulate FPP's 50% faster for the month of July.

We are moving end of July - so I am certain I won't get as much playing time in July.

My bankroll sits at $515. Since I began this blog I have tried several strategies and played a couple different levels. All in all, I am minus $15. LOL. I believe I have played about 5500 hands.

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