Thursday, June 18, 2009

Lost Another Battle Yesterday

Bummer. I played by the rules I set for myself regarding blind stealing. I was actually doing very well for a while. I played some premium cards and got either outdrawn or outplayed. It happens. Overall I think yesterday was more about variance than me making mistakes.

Time will tell.

I did go a little tilt though after loosing another 2 buy-ins. I played two $100 NL tables. But within 5 minutes I realized playing there was just stupid. So I left. No biggie.

I realized it was pointless to play more $25NL that day since I was a little on tilt. So I switched up my games. I decided to try some Heads UP NL tournaments. I am a pretty good heads up player.

The cards were certainly running good in my heads up tournaments. I won two $10NL and lost one $10NL. I won another $20NL. Then I lost the second $20NL. I will say that both times I lost I had excellent cards and it was very late into the match. One time I believe I had trip 10's. I had the pocket 10's and flopped the trip. The board had a 3, T, 6 rainbow. I slow played, but still betting. Opponent played into me on the flop and I re-raised. He re-raised me back. I called. Turn comes J and I go all-in. Opponent calls me. He turns over pocket QQ's. lol. I did not mind loosing that match.

The second $20NL I lost with a straight to a full house. I don't remember the details except I had him beat with a flopped straight. And then he flopped trips. We ended up both pushing the felt and I felt good seeing his trips and my straight. Until he caught the boat on the turn and river. Still...I have no problem loosing to that match.

1 comment:

  1. Sorry. Match I lost to opponent with pocket QQ's - he hit his trips on the River with another Q.

    That was an important bit of info!
