Friday, June 12, 2009

How's My Bankroll Doing?

Probably a good time to update everyone on how my bankroll is holding up.

I don't have pokertracker in front of me to post, but really there is not much to post yet.

Keep in mind that I started this current bankroll project about 2 weeks ago. I started off on a bad footing too.

Bad Start

For the first week I was trying a Miller short stack strategy (SSS. I would buy in for 20-25 Big Blinds and play VERY TAG. Basically with a short stack you only get to play two betting rounds - Pre Flop and the Flop. You're waiting for JJ-AA and AK. Everything else you fold. You can open up in late position if you want down to 99 and AQ, KQ.

I gave this strategy a big try at the $10 NL FR ($.05/$.10 NL tables Full Ring). I also gave it a go at $25 NL FR. I even tried it at $25 NL 6-max.

This strategy required open raising 4-7 bets Preflop and All-In on the flop.

To say the least, I failed miserably at this SSS (short stack strategy).

I quickly changed back to my normal Full Stack 100BB game and started winning immediately.

So, keep this in mind with my current poker tracker big blind/100 hands numbers.

My Poker Tracker Big Blind per 100 hands OR PTBB/100 was in the negative when I stopped playing short stack strategy - at 3 limits: $25NL and $10NL and $25NL 6-max).

I've consistently won at $10NL and $25NL since switching back to Full Stack.

Currently I have played about 5500 hands including both short stack and full stack strategies.

My overall PTBB/100 for all limits is currently at -$0.89.

I stopped playing $10NL after about 1000 hands at Full Stack Strategy because I felt I was way over bankrolled for $10NL and I just knew I was earning about 8PTBB/100.

I've played about 2000 hands at $25NL as a full stack and another 1000 hands as Short Stack. My current PTBB/100 is $1.5PTBB/100 hands. That is a positive.

So basically things are improving drastically now that I switched back to Full Stack.

I am playing around 2000-3000 hands a week. S0 in a week or two, I should be around 5-8PTBB/100 at $25NL.

The Game Plan

1. To stay at $25NL until I have 40 Buy-Ins ($1000).

2. Start 6-Tabling this weekend at $25NL.

3. Once I reach 40 Buy-Ins @ $25NL, I will take a stab at $50NL. I will give myself 5 buy-ins @ $50NL to see if I make the grade. If I loose those 5 buy-ins, I'll move back down to $25NL until I get back to 40 Buy-Ins and then I will take another shot at $50NL

Rinse and Repeat.

1 comment:

  1. Once again I fear my amatuer blogging skills have shown true again.

    I am pretty sure I have the PTBB/100 explanation all screwed up. It gets tricky when you're using Poker Tracker in NLHE cash games.

    Poker Tracker bb/100 was designed to track Limit games (LHE).

    Poker Tracker tracks Big Bets per 100 hands. But in NLHE you track it by Big Blinds. A big bet is twice the big blind.

    So - if you have a 5PTBB/100 in NLHE, then you convert that to 10bb/100. That is, 10 Big Blinds per 100 hands. 10bb is the same thing as 5BB. Tricky huh.

    I'm not sure if I got that all right in the I thought I would clarify that here.

    Overall I have a 1.5PTBB for $25NLHE. That equals a 3bb per 100 hands. Not the best - but I am still recovering from my bad SSS playing.

    I can achieve 10bb/100 at $25NL if not more.
