Friday, June 12, 2009

Second Tournament - Lost In First Hand

Okay - I think I played this one correctly. But as luck had it, I lost in the first hand.

I am BB. UTG just calls, Cutoff or HighJack raises it up to 4BB, SB calls the raise. I have Pocket AA in the BB and am loving all the action.

I 3-bet Re-Raise the cutoff bet to $240.

UTG folds. Cutoff folds. SB once again calls. That is a bit strange, but tournament players are a different breed than cash game players.

Flop comes 6d Kc Tc

With SB just calling, it is possible he might have the KT. That is the best I can give him credit for with calling the big re-raises PF.

SB checks. Weak play normally, but this guy has been check calling all along. I figure him for a loose-passive player.

I raise the flop to almost 3/4 pot - hoping to stop him right there.

He goes all-in - which would have been a 3-bet to my raise.

Seriously, I couldn't see what he could have gotten except 2 pair or a flush draw. What could have possessed him to call those bets and raises?

So - I put him a semi bluff with a flush draw.

I call his All-In.

He turns over pocket 66 and shows that he caught his set on the flop.

I cannot believe he called all those bets and raises for a pocket 66 set mining hand. IMHO he played wrong and will loose more money playing this way.

But, to his luck and the lack of mine, I am drawing to 2 outs for another A - not good.

I loose the first hand in the tournament.

In retrospect - I should probably have folded to a re-raise on the flop. It was too early in the tournament to get an accurate read on a late position opponent. All I had on the Flop was an over pair. I should have simply folded and would still have had $860 in chips to play with - plenty to work with early in the tournament.

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