Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Down Half A Buy-In Day

Lost 1/2 a buy-in last night at the $25NL. I was 4 tabling for about 2 hours. It is understood that you cannot possibly win every session. Being down half a buy-in is pretty great for a losing session - I have seen much worse.

I actually did pretty break even most of the night. I lost one or two buy-ins by calling to show down a couple All-Ins. But I also won a few of those too.

Really, I called it quits after I lost a couple big hands, otherwise I may have ended the session in the positive.

I am happy with the session overall.

Here is my first crack at showing you guys some hands I played last night.

I'll post some more in the next post.

1 comment:

  1. I forgot to do some commentary on this hand. But basically I just wanted to show you that I had pocket AA in the SB.

    It gets around the table and back to me with 3 Limpers. I raise it up to $1.

    I almost never slow play pocket AA. Especially in the blinds - no one is going to put me on pocket AA in the blinds. If I am going to get tricky with slow playing, I will do it on the turn or river. PF I want to get to heads up or at most 2 opponents.

    Nothing worse than going to flop with pocket AA with 3-5 opponents and getting outdrawn and loosing your stack.

    I am first to play and I open raise for $1.50.
    Normally I raise 4 BB + 1 blind for each limpter. But here I capped it at $1.50 because I actually did want at least one caller. One extra BB is not worth it if everyone folds.

    Everyone folds except MP2 - who calls.

    Flop shows 5 9 10 rainbow.

    I open bet for roughly half pot.

    MP2 did not make his flop and folds.

    Notice I put in a half pot bet and did not just check. That would be playing tricky on the flop. Never a good idea with Pocket AA. That would be a recipie for getting outdrawn.

    So I made 8 big blinds on my pocket AA - that is a good result IMHO.
