Thursday, June 18, 2009

Heads Up MTT

Yesterday I played in my first Heads-Up MTT (Multi-Table Tournament). Just 4 people. It was $10NL + $0.50. I decimated my first opponent in record time - about 5 minutes. I then watched the other table since I was waiting to see who I would play against. One of the guys was very aggressive and I thought for sure he would be my opponent. But as it turned out he did more bluffing and the opponent played good cards most of the time. It did take a while for them to determine my opponent. I have to give the losing opponent credit - he never gave up. When he was under 10BB he still waited for good cards before shoving. Several times he doubled up.

At the final table I quickly became chip leader. We started with $3000 in chips - so it was deep stacked, but the blinds did go up per normal. Within 5 minutes I was 4000 to his $2000. We played for about 15 minutes. My opponents weakness was he was a calling station on every street. He was always either paying to keep me honest or drawing. I almost always had a good pair. Many times he folded on the river bet.

I decimated him pretty much throughout the game.

This was a great win for me. I made $40.

I had lost my poker battle earlier in my regular game: 6 Tabling $25NL. I was down 2-3 buy-ins. So after playing some heads up tournaments, I ended up down only about 1 buy-in.

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