Thursday, June 11, 2009

Check Out My Poker Links

Hello Fans.

I am constantly updating this blog layout to make it more and more beneficial. Over the years I have found some really great poker web sites. I added a link bar to the right that you can check out. You could spend hours on some of these sites reading the poker forums or watching the poker videos. I know I have.

Of note - one of the sites is a membership site, where you pay. I think you can still check out the free portion of the site and there is some good stuff there (Members Forums and Hand History Tools). But, if you are a serious grinder like me - amateur or pro, this site is worth the money. I am not currently a member, but I was in the past.

Since I am not a member, I don't have a way to put a link in this post to get a nice affiliate profit for signing you up (never throw away free money). But they do have one - so maybe after I join later I can post this again with that affiliate link. But nonetheless, I recommend them whole heartily.

The site is

The best thing about this pay site is top poker grinders play at all different limits and different types of poker games and record there sessions on video. They commentary throughout the entire session. You get inside their mind why they play a certain way, how they out play their opponents, etc. It is the best learning tool I have ever found. There are thousands of videos and new ones every day. Green Plastic was one grinder on the site I watched consistently.

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