Friday, June 12, 2009

Hand(s) from $25NL last night

I won't do too much commentary about this hand. But it was a good pot to win for me, so I will show it.

Basically I am in the hijack position (right before the button) with Jc9c. Not the best hand, but there are two limpers so I limp in too. The SB completes after me, so that's 4 limpers and the BB. I don't expect much from this hand - I have no great reads and there are too many players going to the flop. But I do have good position if the other players don't bet the flop.

Then the flop comes Ac 8c 2c - bingo! I just flopped a flush and the A is on the table.

Everyone checks until the opponent before me raises it to $1 - roughly a 3/4 pot bet.

Got to love my position! I 3-bet re-raise to $3. To my surprise, he calls the raise.

Turn is 10s. Perhaps my opponent played AT and just made two pair? But he is facing a flush on the table, so he checks.

I bet $4. Again - he calls!

The river is another club. That is not great since if he had ANY club, it would be a tie. Luckily I got position on him again.

Once again he checks. Okay. I figure he must have had a decent pair, maybe two pair. Perhaps he put me on a flush draw with just one club - though my betting should have changed his thinking on that unless he puts me on a semi bluff.

But once that last club falls, he has to worry. If he has no clubs and I have just one club - he is facing a flush on the river to a big pot.

I bet 3/4 pot and he folds. I take down a $15.25 pot.

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