Friday, June 12, 2009

The Definition of Variance In Poker - 2 Great Examples

Hello Fans!

These two hands are not mine. I got them off

These two hands absolutely define what variance is in poker. They show you WHY you must have good bankroll management. These are the types of hands you would play the same because you simply have to play them the same. They are definetely +EV hands - though they both lost.

Check em out!

$15/$30 NL ($3000 NL) - You need a minimum bankroll of $60,000 to play here

Hero (QQ - Button) loses - three of a kind, jacks wins over a pair of queens

$20/$40 NL ($4000 NL) - You need a minimum bankroll of $80,00 to play here

Hero (AQ - Small Blind) loses - four of a kind, tens wins over a flush, ace high

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