Tuesday, June 30, 2009

I Made Silver Star VIP Last Night

I needed 390 VPP points and had two days to do it. So last night I decided to see if I could do it. I opened 6 $100NL tables - but I only bought in for 70BB's. I monitored my VPP points very carefully to determine how much I was earning playing at $100NL. After an hour I discovered I was earning 115VPP an hour, or about 19 per table per hour.

So, I knew I would need to play for about 3 1/2 hours to make Silver VIP. I figured I could do that over two days pretty easy - If I didn't go on a bad run of cards.

This is my first time 6-Tabling $100NL. Though I bought in for 70BB, that is still a big stack. This wasn't a tilt session, though I was certainly way over my $515 bankroll. I had $420 at the tables and about $95 in the cashier. There was a point when the most I could open was 5 tables because I lost a buy-in and did not enough for the 6th table.

My highest point I was up over $150. At my lowest I was down $65. That is a $215 session variance swing. Pretty big roller coaster ride. I ended the session down $5. Had I been playing for money, I would have stopped playing when I was up $150. But I wanted that Silver Star VIP - so I kept on playing.

I am very okay with the results. Would have been nice to have made some money, but it is better than a 1-2 negative buyin session.

Overall $100NL plays about the same as $25NL. I did not see a major difference. That gives me a lot of confidence. I wish I had the bankroll to continue playing $100NL, but at 7 buy-ins, I would go broke eventually.

However, I have decided to take a more aggressive approach to my bankroll management. Instead of requiring 25 Buy-Ins, I am taking that down to 10. I can play 6 tables at once and am able to reload 4 times. This is taking a risk, I know. But I am going to try to triple the bankroll in July. I can do that at $50NL. So with a $505 bankroll, that gives me 10 buyins.

I should be able to average 10BB per 100 hands per table. I figure I play about 60 hands per hour per table. So, that means I should earn 6BB per hour per table OR $3 per table per hour. So that is $18 an hour at $50NL. Not too shabby.

Of course, we will have to see what poker tracker stats end up being.

My stats for one month of play since starting this project are:

7000 hands
Starting Bankroll - $530
Ending Bankroll - $507
Profit/Loss - ($23)
Poker Stars VIP - Silver Star

Bankroll wise, not a bad month. You cannot win every month and at least I am only down $23. Would have been nice if my bankroll was in the positive for the first month of my project, but I have a very good feeling for July.

I am moving end of July to another apartment - so that may have a very big impact on my poker playing.

Nonetheless, my goals for July:

Gold Star in July
$1500 Bankroll
MAYBE move up to $100NL

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